Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm bringing exe back

"Them other boys don't know how to act".

Windows Vista (the next version of the Windows Operating System) allows you to recover permanently deleted files.

I think this feature is unnecessary (not to mention a security problem). Maybe I don't understand the real benefit of the undelete beyond the trash bin. I know there are disk tools out there that allow you to recover permanently deleted files but that should be reserved for real emergency cases or for dealing with disgruntled ex-employees. Perhaps a shadow copy of a shadow copy of an undelete will be coming soon?

At the time of writing this blog, that undelete feature is enabled by default in Windows Vista. Also, Windows Vista is scheduled for a early 2007 release.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

For Futurama Fans

Just like the animated series, the CD/DVD goes in Bender's mouth.

The web page is in Russian so here is the translated version:

Here is the original link:

50,000 Bottle Rockets

I think spectacular visual displays are usually accompanied by sounds of equal magnitude. I like the way bottle rockets scream into the air. But how about thousands of them going off simultaneously? Let's see...

20,000 bottle rockets in 2 minutes (jump to 1:18 of vid)

45,000 bottle rockets in 2 minutes

50,000 bottle rockets in 5 seconds

Monday, August 21, 2006

Smart Bunny Reads Your Emails

A European company has created a robo-bunny that will read your emails, give you a weather forecast and perform a number of other mindless tasks at your will (my apologies to all the meteorologists worldwide for that crude remark). The bunny sells for approx $150US (at the time of writing) and is hooked up on a 24hr wifi connection.

The rise of the machines does not happen overnight (or does it? I forgot how the movie goes) but could this be how the machines will eventually take over the world? Like setting up the pawns in a game of chess.... Equip each one with laser eyes and chainsaw teeth, mark down the price to $19.99US and we potentially have an implementable force that can enforce curfews in small rural towns. Let's hope that there will be no software updates set to evil.

I wonder how long it will take before the robots begin to become self-aware, protect itself from danger and repair itself when it becomes damage. There are research studies at Cornell University that are currently looking into self-replicating robots. Here is a video of the robot prototype just in case you want to get paranoid thinking about stuff. Like whether or not if it's really just a matter of time before the machines see humans as a threat to the Earth's environment and begin to systematically wiping us out.

Monday, August 14, 2006

How to put on a Band Aid

OK. education time!

We (ie. me) at the Billy's Blog Institute care about our reading audience and it is about time we show it! Here is an instructional video on how to put on a Band Aid so it will stay on all day.

Not only do I feel smarter after watching this 3-minute video, I also look forward to my next papercut and perhaps wish the same to you as well. Even though the clip is in Japanese, you will know what is going on...

(and as an added bonus, here is a clip on how to make a long lasting cut flower for the guys. Fellas, keep it in mind the next time you go get flowers for your girlfriend, wife, etc... and you want your purchase to go a long way.)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Short Love Story

For today's blog entry I was going to post some funny, horsing-around clip from Youtube but I came across this clip:

I believe this music video would fit under the category of Korean drama. I find it very touching. You have to watch it in its entirety to appreciate it. The song title is called "Because I'm A Girl" by Kiss. There is a video description on the side; watch the entire clip first before reading the video description. There is not much dialogue but you will understand what is going on...

I never knew how sad the lyrics are...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Brain Age

I think the people at Nintendo are onto something here.

If you wanted to live forever (or at least for a considerable amount time), you have three options:

1) drink from the fountain of youth
2) slow down or reverse the effects of aging
3) become a vampire

If you are searching for the fountain of youth, then you are watching too much TV. If you are considering becoming a vampire, then you are watching too much TV, day walker. Most of us are pretty much stuck with #2. Let's take a closer look.

Cosmetically: If you want to look younger, you have an army of products that will support your cause. Anti-aging skin cream, botox, spa-treatments, plastic-surgery, lotions, potions and the list goes on.

Physiologically: If you want your body to feel younger, you've got nutritional supplements such as Usana, Market America, etc...

So what is missing? You can look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, possess a clean bill of life but all of that don't matter if you have senior moments as often as you go to the washroom on any given day. However, staying ahead of the baby-boomer demographic curve, we now have:

Brain Age

The premise is that you can train your brain to be younger through repetitive yet entertaining exercises (on math and reading). This game is aiming straight at you, baby-boomer. Take a look at pictures of all the people on the website. Not Generation X. Not Generation Y. Perhaps I should shell out and prudently invest in a Nintendo DS, for the sake of a sharper mind.

Regardless, when I retire, I look forward to the daily ritual of Mah Jong to prevent alzheimer's. Hopefully when I am at that point in life, my age (65 years old) would equal to my age in looks (45 years old) and in thinking (21, I mean 20 years old, j/k).

Chad Vader - day shift manager

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

It is really funny. Might even be more entertaining than the original series (j/k).

(And of course, you might also remember the organically fresh Store Wars)